
Your Wellbeing Journey Begins Here


Tap Into the Wisdom of the Universe


Astrology READING

60-minute reading may include natal, transits, progressions, or solar return reading via zoom + recording sent afterward.

*New customers start with a natal chart reading*

Cost: $122

Oracle & Tarot Reading

30 minute card consultation that includes a spread custom created for your question.

Cost: $59

Meditation Training

Creating and Maintaining a Consistent Meditation Practice (coming soon!)

A 4-week journey into what meditation is, why it works and how it can benefit you.

60 - 90 min sessions once a week (recorded for those who can’t make it).


Distance Reiki Healing Session

60 minute session that includes setting an intention for healing, reiki treatment, and RIFE energetically imprinted crystal OR custom essential oil blend roller mailed to the client after the session.

Cost: $109


8 Week Signature Program

8 Weeks to Better Wellbeing (Coming Soon!)

A customized program that fits your well-being goals and can include some or all of the following components:

Exploring your astrological makeup/constitution 

Learning how to use divination tools to connect to your higher self and the Divine

Establishing a regular meditation practice

Nutrition and movement

Use of essential oils, crystals and frequency as wellbeing modalities

8 90-minute sessions (after the free 30-minute consultation) scheduled at a regular time weekly.

Sometimes you just need a front row supporting you.

I will be that someone in your front row helping lift you to your highest potential.